Gay men massage

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Prepare to think and feel deeply as this gentle soul shares his heart with us. In 2016, David co-founded Heal-VR, a software development company that merges ancient spiritual principles and meditation techniques with modern virtual reality technology. He is an activist, vocal ally, and grateful member of the LGBTQI2 community.ĭavid lives with his partner Todd & their 3 rescue dogs: Panda Petey & Siain in their home in the Coachella Valley area of California.

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In 2009, he founded his travel-companion company, the Male Adventure, through which he has accompanied clients on life-changing adventures to all seven continents. While working with seniors, the disabled, and those with severe intimacy issues, he discovered the profound transformational power that sex work creates for both client and provider. In 2006, David found a calling in sex work. He remains an active member of New Thought and recovery movements to this day. After decades of struggle and rehabilitation failures, he finally obtained freedom from his addiction in 2005.

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Raised in Fremont, California, David survived a childhood marked by severe neglect and abuse, which led him into years of homelessness, alcoholism, and drug addiction. David Wichman is an author, speaker, sexual healer, and entrepreneur who is respected and well-known all over the world to those who seek to live free of stigma, shame, and fear around sex, love, and intimacy.

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